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Thursday, May 12, 2016


Its time for Throwback Thursday again.. this week wanted to share my BFP moment which end up Ectopic Pregnancy back in March 2015.


Gonal-F 150mIU (CD2-CD7)
Folic Acid
Metformin 500mg - 2x daily
Duphaston (Start the day after IUI)


What else we did?
Me - Gaia Inner Beauty Powder start taking it since Nov'2015.
Hubby - Stop Smoking changed to Vaping

**Went to Langkawi to visit Tasek Dayang Bunting in December.
**Sedekah every week during friday prayer.

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I got pregnant from IUI #5 done in January 2015. Got my period on my bday (15 Jan) and on CD7 there was 5 of my eggs mature early. maybe because of Gaia? or my hormone stabilized that month and my eggs grows big and healthy! Alhamdulillah!

So CD9 the IUI done. Hubby Sperm analysis , volume still the same 60million still low but the Morphology and Motility increase! alhamdulillah the Vimax works and hubby also did some dieting and exercise that month. New Year resolution konon nya.. LOL!

IUI went well and .....14DPIUI i got a very faint BFP. Wohoo~!

I was very excited and overwhelm by it. and inform  JPMC immediatly. Dr Kavitha prescribe me another batch of Duphaston so my uterus will keep strong enuf to hold on to the baby due to my misscarriage history and asked me to come at 5 week for blood test and Ultrasound.

The next day... i do another PT using clear blue brand.. Fuhh!~ relieved.. that day i was only 15DPIUI. my period is not even due yet (because IUI done early). i was so excited till i share it immediately with my friends and family that very day. *big mistake!*

Meanwhile waiting for the blood test and US... i keep on testing the PT everyday. 😂😘😍
The feeling... Blessed.. Excited.. over the moon..

5th week came.. and done my blood test.. 1st one came 128 beta hcg. alhamdulillah! its confirmed that i was pregnant. but the US was not really tho.. cant find any SAG yet.. maybe its too early.. so Dr asked me to come again in 2 days for another blood test and 6 weeks for another Ultrasound.

2 days after.. another blood test turn out ok.. but Dr was concerned because its doesnt double as it should be.. 

i became worried and right after i test another PT .. Hahaha! freak me out.. but alhamdulillah the test turn out my beta increase and Clearblue said i was 2-3 week pregnant. 

Despites all that.. i knew that something wrong with the pregnancy as i dont have any morning sickness, headache or anything sign that im pregnant except of positive PT and growing belly...

Yes! my belly is sooooo bloated which within 4th until 9week i gained 5kg! Ultrasound also shows that my uterus had grew on the right thickness... BUT where is the baby?!

below are my belly picture by week.. Up Left 4 weeks, Below Left 5 weeks, Up Right 6 week and Below Right 7 weeks...

Okay.. this post became too long... To be Continued Next week Throwback Thursday~

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