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Thursday, May 19, 2016

CD18 update..

Demam lagi!! since saaturday i ada leg cramps.. and fever.. and given MC till wednesday.. then Thurday (today) woke up with headache and sore body.. huh!!!

OPK test.. Monday got positif and its getting dark till today its faded.. btw my OPK picture turn out blur.. its darker in real time.. 

Stick baby stick!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

BFP IUI #5 : Tasek Dayang Bunting Langkawi

i did mention pasal Tasek Dayang Buting from my previous post. beside buat IUI and also start taking Gaia Inner Beauty Powder that time.. we went for a "BABY"moon exploring Malaysia for 3 weeks.. Just to relax ourself...

first place we go is to Langkawi..then went to Melaka, Johor and finally at KL..

Langkawi... as we decided to go there khusus nak pergi ke Tasek Dayang Bunting. actually ini atas nasihat nenek saya .. sebagai alternatif untuk ikhtiar hamil sebab beberapa kali dia diberi mimpi utk saya pergi mandi kat sana. after about almost a year.. baru tah we ke sana... baru nak kuatkan hati kot...

anyhow.. we stayed at langkawi for 7 days.. yes lama. sebab kami mau relax je.. no rushing .. sebb cuti pun kita ambil 3 minggu.. 

Tasek Dayang Bunting tu really amazing.. its a tasek ditengah2 pulau.. dan airnya air tawar.. beside pulau atu dikelilingi dengan air masin.. dan pulau tu mostly limestone.. 

we sewa pakej lawatan ke 3 jenis pulau... Beras Basah.. yg satu tu saya lupa.. hehe .. and last stop Tasek Dayang Bunting...kat sana we ambil masa lama sikit dlm 2 jam mcmtu sebab memang nak rendam lama2.. semasa berendam tu.. hubby n me minum airnya sbnyk 11 teguk dan membaca doa minta zuriat .. sambil berendam pegang tangan... esehhhh konon nya nak romantik lah ye.. HAHAHA... btw.. kena sewa life jacket ya.. dalam sangat woo air nya walaupun kat tebing.. and scaryy.... tapi air nya inda sejuk.. padahal masatu hari mendung nak hujan.. 

Ok.. its just antara ikhtiar kami nak dpt anak.. and balik in december.. bulan januari i dpt period dan buat IUI.. terus lekat Twin baby.. tpi baby satu tu lekat d tube kiri.. Ectopic Pregnancy.. tapi ya... mungkin juga salah satu usaha kami ke Langkawi penyebab kami hamil? Wallhuakhlam..  read more about it below... 

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pulau itu dikaitkan dengan nama manusia istimewa atau sakti yang berkebolehan menjampi air tasik menjadi penawar kepada kemandulan wanita.

Pelbagai versi cerita misteri dikaitkan dengan Pulau Dayang Bunting dan Tasik Dayang Bunting yang jika dilihat dari jauh, struktur batu-batannya kelihatan seperti seorang wanita yang sarat mengandung sedang terlentang.

Puteri Dayang Sari yang dikatakan memiliki penawar kemandulan juga diceritakan sempat menjampi air tasik berkenaan sebelum pulang ke kayangan supaya ia menjadi penawar kepada kemandulan.

Air tasik itu sehingga kini dipercayai sesetengah orang berupaya menjadi penawar kemandulan bagi pasangan yang gagal mendapatkan anak.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


Its time for Throwback Thursday again.. this week wanted to share my BFP moment which end up Ectopic Pregnancy back in March 2015.


Gonal-F 150mIU (CD2-CD7)
Folic Acid
Metformin 500mg - 2x daily
Duphaston (Start the day after IUI)


What else we did?
Me - Gaia Inner Beauty Powder start taking it since Nov'2015.
Hubby - Stop Smoking changed to Vaping

**Went to Langkawi to visit Tasek Dayang Bunting in December.
**Sedekah every week during friday prayer.

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I got pregnant from IUI #5 done in January 2015. Got my period on my bday (15 Jan) and on CD7 there was 5 of my eggs mature early. maybe because of Gaia? or my hormone stabilized that month and my eggs grows big and healthy! Alhamdulillah!

So CD9 the IUI done. Hubby Sperm analysis , volume still the same 60million still low but the Morphology and Motility increase! alhamdulillah the Vimax works and hubby also did some dieting and exercise that month. New Year resolution konon nya.. LOL!

IUI went well and .....14DPIUI i got a very faint BFP. Wohoo~!

I was very excited and overwhelm by it. and inform  JPMC immediatly. Dr Kavitha prescribe me another batch of Duphaston so my uterus will keep strong enuf to hold on to the baby due to my misscarriage history and asked me to come at 5 week for blood test and Ultrasound.

The next day... i do another PT using clear blue brand.. Fuhh!~ relieved.. that day i was only 15DPIUI. my period is not even due yet (because IUI done early). i was so excited till i share it immediately with my friends and family that very day. *big mistake!*

Meanwhile waiting for the blood test and US... i keep on testing the PT everyday. 😂😘😍
The feeling... Blessed.. Excited.. over the moon..

5th week came.. and done my blood test.. 1st one came 128 beta hcg. alhamdulillah! its confirmed that i was pregnant. but the US was not really tho.. cant find any SAG yet.. maybe its too early.. so Dr asked me to come again in 2 days for another blood test and 6 weeks for another Ultrasound.

2 days after.. another blood test turn out ok.. but Dr was concerned because its doesnt double as it should be.. 

i became worried and right after i test another PT .. Hahaha! freak me out.. but alhamdulillah the test turn out my beta increase and Clearblue said i was 2-3 week pregnant. 

Despites all that.. i knew that something wrong with the pregnancy as i dont have any morning sickness, headache or anything sign that im pregnant except of positive PT and growing belly...

Yes! my belly is sooooo bloated which within 4th until 9week i gained 5kg! Ultrasound also shows that my uterus had grew on the right thickness... BUT where is the baby?!

below are my belly picture by week.. Up Left 4 weeks, Below Left 5 weeks, Up Right 6 week and Below Right 7 weeks...

Okay.. this post became too long... To be Continued Next week Throwback Thursday~


Today is CD10, so i have appointment with aunty Puput at 3pm. arrived there on time despite its hard to find parking at her place. huh! Note to myself. must be there 45-1hr early just to make sure i arrived on time. 😂 

The Massage went well.. and alhamdulillah she said my eggs is growing and she predict i will ovulate on the right ovary prolly by Sunday/Monday. 

Based on my notes, her prediction will be on time as per Cd14-16 when i usually do my IUI/Ovulate. 

after that i went for pampering & mani pedi and went directly to night class. so i dont have time to POAS for OPK. 

 OPK at 11.35pm with a dilute urine. i see double line. Yay!! tho still not positive yet. but im sure its coming soonnn.. and Symptom - cramps on my left leg as my sign of ovulating. i get this everymonth. 🙏🏻

Pic of OPK *2nd line is not clear in the picture. it is darker in real time.

Monday, May 9, 2016


Had my appt today at Gynae Ripas. and my speacialist is back. Yay! Today inda ramai, so i came 1.30 and done at 2.12pm. it was just a short appoinment tho..

Dr a bit annoyed .. but not to me tho.. annoyed with the Dr done my IUI last time. because she asked me stop doing IUI and go for IVF. so today suppost to be my appoinment for next step. actually my speacialist wanted me to do IUI again until success because she thinks that i can get pregnant with IUI alone since IUI #5 was BFP eventho its end up Ectopic.

So, since today its kinda too late to start IUI medication, so we plan to do it in July bcoz i wanted to have a break in June since we're flying for a short trip. and its Ramadhan month tho. so....

Dr prescribed me the usual Gonal-f for 10 days doses, Metformin and Folic Acid for 3 month cycle.. here are my meds... i have to keep it in Room Temp.. so on the way home. my AC is in full blast.. must not spoil the GonalF. its kinda sensitive to heat..

and Oh yeah.. my blood test turns out great.. i did ovulated. (yeah i know that tho..) and my hormon was superb! all normal.. alhamdulillah.. Dr was pleased with it.

Ok that all for now...


Continuation about Ubat batuk for ttc i post earlier (click sini)

Firstly if you wondering what on earth a cough syrup has to do with fertility, but the logic is easily found in the fact that it is an expectorant and is being used to loosen and thin mucus - just in a different place than the lungs!

I found some cough syrup that can be found in Brunei. yesterday i went to Guardian and found few brand that contains guaifenesin as its main ingredient. most brand have other substance that is not good for TTC. 

1. Breacol - Price: BND$3.50 (small bottle)

2. Cap Kaki Tiga - BND$2.60 (small bottle)

TTC friend suggested me this brand and you can find it at JPMC Pharmacy, will update the pricing on this once i grab one.

3. Robitussin


What is the recommended dose of guaifenesin?
The recommended dose for improving cervical mucus, based on a 1982(article) in Fertility and Sterility, is two teaspoons (200 mg) taken orally three times per day. If mucus still appears thick and doesn't have good spinnbarkeit (ability to stretch), one can take as much as four teaspoons (400 mg) four times per day (the maximum dose on this over the counter medication). Each dose should be taken with a full glass of water, and attention should be given to drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day -- one needs water to produce mucus.
*Recommended Dose = 1 sudu @ 3x sehari
*kalau masih Mucus masih tebal semasa ovulation boleh increase kepada 2 sudu @ 4x sehari

What cycle days should one take guaifenesin?
Just as the dose can vary a bit, so can the days. The article linked above had patients starting the guaifenesin on cycle day 5 - five days after the start of menses. This seems rather early as mucus is not an issue until about five days before ovulation - based on the fact that sperm can only live five days at best, and most pregnancies are the result of intercourse in the five days leading up to ovulation. Because of this information, it is now more common for doctors to suggest starting guaifenesin about five days before expected ovulation and continuing through ovulation day (six days total, for those with regular cycles). For those with irregular cycles, one should start taking guaifenesin about five days before the earliest day ovulation might be expected. For those taking Clomid (clomiphene citrate, Serophene) in a 5-day protocol, one can probably wait until the day after the last Clomid pill before starting the expectorant.
* Recommended = start CD5 till 5 days before ovulation date
* bagi yang peroid regular  (tahu bila ovulate) boleh ambil mulai5 hari sebelum Ovulation hingga hari ovulation selama 5 hari 
*jika mengambil clomid / gonalf sila tunggu habis dose ubat baru start guna Guaifenesin

How does one diagnose cervical factor/hostile mucus?
Many women try taking guaifenesin after noting little or no egg white (stretchy) cervical mucus while charting their fertility signals, but clinically it is diagnosed when a doctor checks mucus one or two days before ovulation in what is usually referred to as a post-coital test. The doctor does a vaginal exam and takes a sample of mucus to immediately analyze under a microscope to check for live sperm and for a ferning pattern. It is also checked for signs of infection. Quality mucus will be stretchy, fern, lack cellularity, and have live sperm swimming in it.

Why do so many women take guaifenesin while on Clomid?
Clomid (clomiphene citrate, Serophene) can cause hostile mucus in 30 percent or more of women using it. Higher doses tend to be more associated with less cervical fluid and a thinner uterine lining, than the 50 mg dose. 

Will guaifenesin help if there is little or no mucus present?
Guaifenesin doesn't actually create mucus, it only thins what is already there. One would need to look into why there is no mucus (infection, not really ovulating), or bypass the mucus issue by doing intrauterine insemination.

Does one need to take guaifenesin when doing intrauterine insemination (IUI)?
It would only make sense to take guaifenesin if one is planning to have intercourse in addition to doing IUI. to increase the chances of pregnancy.

Will taking guaifenesin cause any problems if it isn't needed?
Probably not. Since fertile mucus can be watery, there is probably no harm in taking guaifenesin and thinning it out.

What are some other possible ways to improve cervical mucus?
Drinking plenty of water should always be considered in addition to any other therapies one might try. Estrogen is sometimes given to help mucus production, though doctors have mixed opinions of its benefit, especially when used with Clomid (and some suggest using Tamoxifeninstead of Clomid). Injectable gonadotropins used for controlled ovarian hyperstimulation often have a positive effect on cervical mucus as well. Some home/natural remedies include eating salty foods such as popcorn (mucus is very salty), taking evening primrose oil, avoiding dairy products (they can thicken mucus), eating lots of baby carrots, and also avoiding antihistamines, including high doses of vitamin C. Another suggestion that is increasing in popularity is to drink grapefruit juice in order to improve or increase the amount of cervical mucus. If one is on prescription medications, it is a good idea to look for warning about grapefruit juice consumption (it isn't recommended with several medications for hypertension, for example).

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Progestrone Cream for TTC

Q: What is progesterone?

A: Progesterone is a steroid hormone made by the corpus luteum of the ovary at ovulation, and in smaller amounts by the adrenal glands. Progesterone is manufactured in the body from the steroid hormone pregnenolone, and is a precursor to most of the other steroid hormones, including cortisol, androstenedione, the estrogens and testosterone.

In a normally cycling female, the corpus luteum produces 20 to 30 mg of progesterone daily during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.

Q: Why do women need progesterone?

A: Progesterone is needed in hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women for many reasons, but one of its most important roles is to balance or oppose the effects of estrogen. Unopposed estrogen creates a strong risk for breast cancer and reproductive cancers.

Estrogen levels drop only 40-60% at menopause, which is just enough to stop the menstrual cycle. But progesterone levels may drop to near zero in some women. Because progesterone is the precursor to so many other steroid hormones, its use can greatly enhance overall hormone balance after menopause. Progesterone also stimulates bone-building and thus helps protect against osteoporosis.


How to Use Progestrone Cream?
Can refer wikihow for more details -->

** Before proceeding to use Progestrone Cream you need to Get the Time Right

Step 1 - Calculate Menstrual Cycle
Step 2 - Pick the right time of the day
Step 3 - Be Consistent
Step 4 - Keep applying the cream if you become pregnant

How to Apply?
  1. Choose the right spots
  2. Rotate application spots
  3. Pay attention to dosage.
  4. Ask your doctor questions


Where to Get Progestrone Cream in Brunei?

  1. Furmon
  2. Lumiglow
  3. Women Desiree Essential Cream (this you can buy from @mieracollections )

The Heartbreak of Mothers Day When You're still TTC...


Struggling with infertility adalah salah satu perkara a women will endure. and when its come to Hari Ibu. Kami seperti diberi TAMPARAN yang sangat berbekas dihati dan emotionally disturbed by it. Pada Mothers day ani lah juga akan memberi semangat tahap gaban bagi TTC sisters untuk ikhtiar dpt zuriat. Jealous? Yes! Sedih? Yes!

As for me. Mothers Day ani tah masanya i "kurung diri" from attend any function. Maybe because i rasa Im not belong in it. not qualified. because im not a mother.. yet...

I once attend a mothers day celebrations at mum Side family .. my mum is the 1st child from 16 siblings.. one family overall kami sudah menjangkau almost 60 orang.. imagine that.. cut story short.. semua ibu2 dipanggil untuk memotong kek sambil anak2 mereka menyanyikan lagu mothers day.. and my perasaan masa itu??? berkecai2 sambil menahan rasa sedih..😢 dalam hati berkata.. inshallah one day.. one very fine day.. i will make this day to me mine... qualified to celebrate it with my kids by my side..

This doesn't means i hate Mother Day or against it kah apa.. i just dont fancy it... yet..

*Adui basah tah jua pipi ani.. *sigh*


"Siapa yg bermasalah lai? kau kah? " 

I once pernah kena tanya this STUPID Questions... Masih i ingat the exact words she said... Hmmm.. i just stare at her till she walked away..

Busy Body sangat manusia itu.. nada soalan lain ke nak tanya? .. haishhh

i just stare at her sebab she old.. nya org .. org tua mesti kitani hormati.. hmmm. mun ikut kan perasaan memang i tampar je.. LOL!

Well to answer her Questions..

We both have problems... tiada ada siapa nak disalahkan dalam hal ani.. Syukur alhamdulillah atas semua dugaan diberi. so kami suami isteri tidak menyalahkan satu sama lain kenapa kami belum dikurniakan zuriat..


Permasalahan kesihatan kami sedikit sebanyak menyumbang kepada TTC Journey.. 

Back in 2010.. Hubby Sperm Count done at RIPAS. that time his sperm count was ok.. about 100mil (no wash) masatu hubby pun belum diagnose untuk masalah Hernia dan Vilitigo lagi.. so kami inda expectlah yang Suami ada masalah kesuburan. as for me.. i memang ada masalah period tidak teratur sejak bujang. my cycle was 4-6 bulan apart. so dlm setahun tu i period dlm 3-4 kali saja.. mcmana kan pregnant?? tapi we did get pregnant in 2009 tapi Dr ckp it was chemical Pregnancy where Beta Hcg only 7 masatu..

Me Struggling still with Irregular Period.. and Blood Test done and Diagnose with Insulin Interlorance. Masa ani tah i start gain wieght drasticly! im tall.. so my ideal weight is 75-80kg and i went up to 105kg! meanwhile hubby in 2011 finally i managed to force him to go to Ripas Skin Specialist about his white patches yang makin hari makin banyak and merebak.. mula2 hanya small spot di dagu and now spreading seluruh badan, espcially kalau bekas kesan luka dan terkena chemical (even sabun cuci pinggan). 

so he was diagnose to have a type of skin cancer called Vilitigo. which the Late Michael Jackson have which made him bleach his skin. Vilitigo also contribute to Infertility... but no research had confirmed it .. YET..

"Vitiligo is a chronic skin disease that causes de pigmentation of skin.  The pigment that determines the color of body, hair and eye.  Common areas of the skin that lose pigment are face, hand leg, arm and genital areas.  In this area white spot are developed. Frequently this white spot will spread.  While the exact cause of Vitiligo is not known,Immunological attack on melanocyte is the main reason for Vitiligo.  As a result, skin starts losing its pigment, and white patches appears on the skin.

Ok put aside about Vilitigo... on 2013 kami buat IUI pertama after a year trying ovulation induction with no success. i even done HSG and Lapastropy which end up my peranakan is Normal and Healthy. then hubby Sperm Dialysis done.. and kedapatan lah Suami sperm count low. that time was only 68 THOUSAND with 30% motility. i still remember air muka hubby ketika itu.. he seems depressed for few month after. especially bila 3x IUI done inda sukses. seems he blaming himself for it.. i was also told to have PCOS. dimana my eggs inda growing on its own and Clomid didnt really works on me.. its been a depressing year for us..

Why Low Sperm Count turun mendadak? ok well.. hubby had this Hernia since belum kawin lagi.. where one of his ball had grown bigger than the other. and even he complain sakit and fullness down there.. so after forcing him again to seek treatment.. finally in 2014 we went to AE dept.. and we were asked to come again next day to Surgical Specialist. and Surgery is scheduled 2 weeks after because hubby hernia worse sudah. Dr xplain that his hernia cause by urat bertindih/muscle collapse which causing the sperm inda keluar during ejaculation. perhaps berkumpul dlm sag atu for years and years.. OMG! that explains why his sperm count low drastically. Dr also said due to late treatment. ia telah menyebabkan sperm production tidak sehat dan mengambil masa untuk berfungsi secara normal semula. 

CONCLUSION after those years... my Hormonal Problems and Hubby Sperm Problem menyebabkan kami susah kan hamil. eventho pernah chemical and early misscariage. 

Not Healthy Sperm + Not Healthy Womb = NOT HEALTHY PREGNANCY  Sigh!

But.despides all odds. alhamdulillah after 1 year+ after Hernia surgery we decided to do another IUI.. and this time we decided buat d JPMC. 1st appt hubby Sperm count analysis came back 68million with 80% motility. Alhamdulillah.. its had improved walaupun inda banyak. EVEN we get Pregnant on the !st IUI at JPMC (5th IUI).. eventho end up Ectopic. at 9W+ .. One of the baby implanted on the LEFT tube. which end up removed. (More Story on this at NEXT Entry)

NOW 2016.. done another 4x IUI after ectopic (9x IUI altogether)... we still trying... Inshallah we going to try for IVF with ICSI method soon... Still menabung $$  because its kinda costly.. inda apa.. Wang boleh dicari.. yang penting ikhtiar...


Saturday, May 7, 2016

About Us...

Beforehand sharing about our TTC Journey.. lets me share a bit about us..

Born 1979 
Married at 30yo
Low Sperm Count (found out 2013)
Hernia (surgery done 2014)

Born 1986
Married at 23
Insulin Interlorance (stable now.. alhamdulillah)
Irregular period (not anymore. steady 28-30 days cycle now.. alhamdulillah)

TTC Journey

2009 - Chemical Pregnancy 2 month after married.

2010 - Early Misscariage x 2 times ( No Sag found twice!)

2011 - Clomid Cycle - all BFN

2012 - Clomid + Gonal Cycle - 1cylec BFP but end up Early Misscariage at 5W

2013 - Start 1st IUI treatment - found out DH Low Sperm - BFN

2014 - 3x IUI Failed - BFN

2015 - 5th IUI (1st time at JPMC) - BFP Twin but end up ECTOPIC - LEFT tube removed - 9Weeks
         - 6th IIUI October - BFN
         - 7th IUI December - BFP - Chemical at 4W 5days

2016   - IUI on February - Cancelled no follicle on RIGHT ovary.
           - 8th IUI on March - BFN
           - 9th IUI on April - BFN

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will update this entry from time to time... TQ


Acupuncture is the insertion of ultra-thin, sterile needles into specific acupuncture points on the body which reside on channels or meridians; these are pathways in both the exterior and interior of the body. These points, when needled, can regulate the way in which the body functions.
Acupuncture helps by addressing problems that affect fertility such as an under-functioning thyroid (hypothyroidism) or over-functioning thyroid (hyperthyroidism).
Can Acupuncture Be Used To Treat Infertility?
Acupuncture, frequently combined with herbal medicine, has been used for centuries to treat some but not all causes of infertility. For example, acupuncture and herbs will not work to address tubal adhesions which can occur as a result of pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis.
However, in this situation, an individual could still benefit from acupuncture and herbs because of the potential effect of improved ovarian and follicular function. Additionally, acupuncture can increase blood flow to the endometrium, helping to facilitate a thick, rich lining.
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Acupunture in BRUNEI?
Hari ini (7/5/16) Group TTC ada share tentang Acupunture ni.. Last year i pernah buat at Bekam Berangan (Beribi) but now they inda buat lagi. since fathernya inda sehat lagi. and today ada sister TTC share that di Tutong Clinic ada offer that services. below are some info acupunture in Brunei. (will update from time to time)
  1. Ah Ming Tabib Kg Berangan (Bekam & Acupunture) Spg 51 Jln Beribi
  2. Clinic Dr Baharin Petani Mall
  3. Eliza Established (Menglait dpn NRA)
  4. FB: TCM & Acupunture Brunei (Bgn Hj Munchit near Airport Mall) +673-2331193
  5. Bos Famous City Square Serusop +673-8231268
  6. Tabib Sifu Kg Pandan 
  7. Yong Sg Liang +673-3230429


IUI#9 done april lepas yang mana i only have best mature follicle on LEFT ovary BUT unfortunately NO TUBE due to ECTOPIC pregnancy last year. at first i thought the IUI will be cancelled like before. but since its another Dr reviewing me. the Dr Insist on it. and explain that the egg can travel to the other Tube. i was like... iakah????

pada awalnya memang inda confident sebab inda pernah dengar or come across benda ani.. can it be? plus i came across same situation on IUI #6 or is it #7? Dr cancelled the IUI because i only have follicle on LEFT ovaries. Sedihhhhh..

" Can my eggs on the LEFT Ovaries travel to my RIGHT tube
and eventually get PREGNANT? "

balik saja dari appointment atu terus i google and found some forum.. YESS!! Miracle do happen.. tapi its sangat RARE and % for the eggs to survive that long journey amat tipis..

IUI #9 eventually end up FAILED. BFN test and got my period on 2nd May. Sedih memang sedih.. after #9 IUI atu... kira immuned sudah.. or maybe Not... *cried*

Alhamdulillah.. i tak pernah menyesal atas apa yang berlaku.. walaupun my twin pregnancy end up to be ectopic dan Tube removed.. at least i know yang i boleh HAMIL.

Ok here are some of my findings...

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How can an egg get down the only tube I have when it's produced on the other side where I have no tube?

The fallopian tubes and uterus are lined with little receptor cells that, at the point of ovulation, are sent a chemical signal that literally 'switches' them on and they emit a signal that attracts a similar receptor in the egg and in the sperm to come and meet in the same place, i.e. the fallopian tube. The fallopian tubes are not attached to the ovaries and, also at the point of ovulation, some very delicate structures called the fimbriae on the end of the fallopian tube begin to move gently creating a slight vacuum to suck the egg toward the end of the tube it is nearest to (like lots of little fingers waving and drawing the egg towards it).
This means that, if you have only one fallopian tube, then there is only one set of receptors working and one set of fimbriae creating a vacuum and so the egg is much more likely to find its way to that tube, whichever ovary it is produced from.
Conservative (cautious/ more likely to take the lower figure) estimates suggest that an egg produced on the tubeless side manages to descend the remaining tube around 15 to 20% of the time. This means that rather than your fertility being halved, it is more the case that the opportunity to conceive has been affected by around 30%. Or looking at it another way, it means we have around a 70% opportunity of conception with each menstrual cycle.
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and Also some snapshot of success story from a Forum.

Friday, May 6, 2016


Yesterday (Thursday 5/5/16) me and hubby went for jalan2 since its Israk Mikraj Holiday. 

along the way we plans to go for a short getaway in June. This June marks the 7th Year of our marriage. and this makes me terkenangkan our TTC journey.. its been a longgg 7 years... full of heartache, frustration and tears.. but there is always be Happiness that bring us more in LOVE with each other. mengenal hati dan lebih menghargai antara satu sama lain. 

Along the way terselit lah jua perbincangan mengenai TTC plan. Inshallah we decided to go for IVF or maybe ICSI treatment. Semoga segalanya berjalan lancar.. AMinnn

Oh yeahh baru ingat yang me belum share about our TTC Timeline.. While there will be no TTC Updates for the next 2 months... i will post my TTC timeline .. Mybe i will do it by YEAR?

2009 - 2010 -2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015

hope i can remember everything. need to refer my journal on this. 

IUI #9

Okay kali ni we decide buat IUI lagi the very next cycle selepas IUI #8

CD1 @ 1/4/2016 -- CD5 period habis.

Gonal-F ~ CD2 till CD11 - 150iU @ 8am daily
Folic Acid 
Metformin 500mg 

Gaia - 2x daily
Susu Kambing Khalish
Berurut at Babu Masnah - CD5
Berurut at Puput - CD11

Follicle Tracking
CD9 - 9/4/16 ~ few follicle on Left and 1 follicle on Right
CD11 - 11/4/16 ~ LEFT - 19, 17, 14 and some small ones. and RIGHT - 12, 14 ***

IUI Procedure
Trigger Pregnyl 10,000 mIU - 12/4/16 @ 8am
Sperm wash - 6+million only with 80+% morphology 100% motility *** 14/4/16 @ 8am
IUI procedure - 14/4/2016 @ 10.30am

1DPIUI - Cramps
2DPIUI - Cramps
3DPIUI - Headache, Flu, Cramp
4DPIUI - down with fever and Headache
5 DPIUI - Sharp Pain, Fever 😷
6 ~ 12 DPIUI - Fever!! Serious Cough and Feverish! Lost track of Symptoms. 🤒

PT - CD12  and Fade on CD20

9 DPIUI / 10 DPO - BFN
10 DPIUI / 11DPO - BFN
16DPIUI - BFN ** 2 days late

Spotting AF on 2/5/2016
Heavy AF on 3/5/2016
AF ends on 6/5/2016


Follicle seems growing well BUT not good result tho, bcoz i dont have tube on the LEFT!! after follicle US done.. went to see Dr team since Dr Azmah was on leave.

meet Dr Hawa for review and she nak teruskan dengan IUI. She said anything can happen. and there is cases egg travel to the other tube. 🤔

balik rumah lepas result follicle atu terus me refer to my darl MR GOOGLE about that. not much info tho tapi i found some dalam Forum. i was likeee .. Fuhhhh !~ lega sikit lah.. tapi inda hoping sangat sebab its RAREly happen.


** Decided to rest from TTC for few months since Fasting & Raya month is coming.
** Appointment scheduled on 9/5/2016. for review of Blood Test taken on CD21.


Did you know that Ubat batuk can help sperm get to egg faster and increase the chance of pregnant?

Well you do now!

By expert research i read at ubat batuk yang mengandungi "Guaifenesin" sebagai bahan utama nya boleh menolong menipiskan mucus (lendir miss V) jadi ia akan "menolong" sperm berenang lebih cepat ....dalam kata lain... Memiussss! 😂😂😂

" Guaifenesin is a common ingredient in cough syrups. It's an expectorant, which means it relieves congestion and chesty coughs by thinning mucus in your airways. This makes it easier for you to cough up mucus. And because guaifenesin works on all the mucus membranes in your body, it can make your cervical mucus thinner and wetter too." 

" If you don't seem to produce much wet, slippery mucus around ovulation time, your partner's sperm may be hindered from getting through your cervix. But if your cervical mucus is thinner, it may help sperm to reach your egg. "

Tapi perlu ber awas2 juga. sebab inda semua ubat batuk mengandungi "Guaifenesin" bahkan ada some ubat batuk inda dapat di ambil semasa TTC. Especially yang mengandungi "antihistamines" , "dextromethorphan" dan alkohol. 3 bahan ani juga boleh menyebabkan mucus miss V kitani kering... lagi tia payah sperm kan berenang ke destinasi. Mungkin banyak boleh menyebabkan sperm mati juga..

Cara menggunakannya... 1 step anda perlu tahu bila "ovulate"? ok ani boleh tau my BTT atau OPK. atau if period you all regular. boleh anggarkan tarikhnya. once dah tau. boleh lah minum ubat batuk ani 2 hari sebelum ovulate hingga 3-5 hari mcmtu. 1 sudu 3 kali sehari..

Ok!? macamana kan dapatkan "UBAT BATUK" ani? i belum ada masa nak survey yet... inshallah akan update once dapat cari specific brand in Brunei ... Stay Tune..

Meanwhile dibawah adalah contoh yang me dpt dari my Darling MR GOOGLE. ehehe.. and info ani me read from link ini.. sila click untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut. -->>


Ok i belum update lagi tentang result haritu..


oh well.. This time IUI at JPMC is diff.. Progestrone only given for 10 days. and they said. if PT negative on 10DPIUI. so i need to stop progestrone and AF will come. 

i was like.. What??!!! 😳😳😳

last IUI (BFP but ectopic) i was given progestrone for 14 days and i have faint BFP on 15DPIUI. 

Comparing to that.. what IF im pregnant but PT havent catch the Beta Hcg yet?? 

I was devastated by the instruction given. and i get my AF eventually 2 days late. 😭😭

Ok moving on~ *sigh*

2WW of IUI #8

IUI day - Extreme abdominal pain, gassy, constipate, bloody urine after iui
1dpiui - abdominal and back pain, gassy, constipate, urine painfull, lying all day.
2dpiui - abdominal pan reduce, back pain still there, urine much easier
3dpiui - slight pain and cramp, lying all day, sleepy, bloating
4dpiui - tender breast, cramp, sleepy, bloating
5dpiui - back to work - tired, af like cramp, tender breast, veiny breast, bloating, sleep early than before
6dpiui - fatigue, emotional, miss V feel weird, tender & veiny breast

IUI #8 (March 2016)

Period Chart
  • 1/3 - 2/3*spotting
  • 3/3 - 7/3 - heavy to medium flow
  • *remarks - not as heavy like before, no blood clot

  • Gonal-f 150IU -  CD2 till CD14 @ 8am
  • Folic Acid @ 10pm
  • Metformin 2x Daily - 10am & 10pm
  • Gaia Inner Beauty Powder 2 sachet till CD16 @ 9am & 9pm
  • Duphaston 2 x daily start CD17 / 1DPIUI

Follicle Tracking

R -6 follicle size 6 ~ 8mm
L - 4 follicle size 8 ~ 10mm
Left ovary got big follicle but not concern due to no tube (ectopic removed 2015)

R - 4 follicle at 10 ~ 12mm

R - 4 follicle at 12 ~14mm

R - 4 follicle at 16~18mm

R - 2-3 follicle mature!! 20~22mm

Trigger on CD15 @ 3.30am using Ovidrel pen
IUI done on CD16 @ 3.30pm

Sperm Count 
before wash 5.5million
Post Wash 10.0 million!!!
Morpology 90%
Low count but lot of active swimmer than before!